2007年8月11日 星期六

Alex - Chapter 1

He never welcomed the first light of dawn visiting through the windows. The windows of his soul. The barbarious sun invaded his house in complete silence, only leaving traces of heat, baking every room like an oven.

He hated Monday mornings for only one reason - hangover was not for Monday mornings, but it always happened to him. What came to his mind was whether he was to drive to office or walk to get the bus. "Don't even think about it," grumbled he, having one sip of Smirnoff to pull himself together a little bit, "that'll swing meself off the bloody road. Jesus what time is it...now now... just lemme"

Walk. The suburban morning sun soaked up morning dew on the leaves, leaving a smell of green immensing in the air beneath the trees. Hardly did he know the smell, the car perfume (fake smell of Grasse lavender) took over his olfactory sense. But he always knew that the real jungle 43.4 miles away from home was certainly be more ruthless than the sunlight of daybreak. He didn't want to think much - wicked, brutal animals there - which would ruin such a good start, which has already screwed up, at least in his head in the whirl.

People would say, "shitting in the toilet is the only private time one has in a day". This is broad - if lovers care about nothing and kiss on the metro, it's theirs. To Alex, spending one hour on the upper deck of the bus was already enjoyable, for he would not have a minute to appreciate when he closed himself in a moving cage...

He suddenly remembered the first time he welcomed the sunlight.

The first day of work as a clerk in a small firm. He left home at 7am just to catch an empty bus to downtown - he had been living in suburb since childhood - and he could enjoy the ride and the breakfast on the upper deck, and of course, the morning sun. Limitless love from the powerhouse lit up everything, vitalised. The love was great when it shone on a mother with a son. The love was greater when a thread of sunray carried the girl of his fancy to two rows in front of him. He could even feel the love when he closed his eyes... the warmth akin to mother's womb, from which he had parted for long but had sculpted in his subconsciousness.

Leaving home means one has to fight for survival. Simon and Garfunkel's The Boxer always rang in his ears:

When I left my home and my family
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers...

In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains

Lie la lie...

What years of struggling gave him was he no more needed to ride on a bus, and more struggling. The higher position he held, the less mood he had for the morning sunlight, for he either worked till midnight, or hung out at pubs (sometimes a way to climb up the ladder) until he hardly could open his eyes. He even loathed it, maybe it's because he no longer cared a shit about the womb or whatsoever, and he had everything he desired, even women. "Don't gimme no moral lesson, saints." he would say. True, especially there is no such word when you know how the world fares...

A gast of cold December morning breeze woke him up. He reminded of himself, I no longer enjoy it. No. When the journey came to the end he needed to face everything, still, on his own. I'm leaving, I'm leaving/But the fighter still remains... Why? What for?

Suddenly, he found the morning sun is actually setting.

2007年8月7日 星期二

出碟又感 - 昌篇

innisfallen大碟終於推出, 暫時放下心頭大石. 有些地方(cd本身或行政)可以做得更好, 但是都好滿意, 有些不足的地方就唯有下次改進. 在整個過程裡面, 可以說是辛酸, 每位成員要工作或讀書, 要抽時間去做音樂去錄音, 同時要做其他同大碟有關的東西, 例如封套, 網頁, plan宣傳,搞show, 等等好多還有些好minor的事.而且大家的budget不多, 大家不是有錢仔, 要一隊band出一筆可觀的錢不是容易.

在這個過程都學了有關出cd既事, 成員間大家更了解多了 ,知道大家的優點缺點,互相學習. 出第一隻碟才是樂隊另一個階段的開始, 我地希望有更多聽眾的支持, 至有動力做下去. 我地出碟無想過會賺, 從經濟學角度就更加只會蝕 - 大量時間人力物力金錢. 能夠回本的話已經好慶幸, 並且希望可以用來出第二隻album. 其實我們都沒有計這麼多, 因為玩音樂是我們生命的一部份, 它更會令我們為它認真起來.

要多謝的人很多, 首先是媽媽, 因為她很支持我玩音樂, 她不會覺得玩band係壞, 更會播我的cd. 之後到隊員們, 玩了三年, 希望可以三年又三年. toki , 由groupie到manager, 她無私的奉獻很多. group studio阿謙, 由錄音到mixing一手包辦, 他非常有耐心, EQ還很高, 給了不少音樂上的意見. 還有為cd幫過手的朋友, 影相的jone, cd design的甲川, 做mv的venda,7,bonnie, 行政的kim, 一起玩音樂的朋友, 意色樓, hard candy , 佢地都給了不少意見, 他們出碟的經驗幫了我們不少. 還有kick ball car, chochukmo 等等, 還要多謝支持innisfallen的朋友和買了我們album的朋友呢.

香港能夠出碟的獨立樂隊不多 ,有些出了一隻碟便不能再玩下去, 能夠行到很長的路不易, 要有喜愛獨立音樂的人的支持是最重要, 我都希望innisfallen可以一直行下去.


i don't have no photo yet.
merely compared releasing the debut to giving birth to a child.
to me, reallusion is a child i can let go and see it grow up without my nurture, this is the difference.
the greatest relief is we don't have to worry about the mixes and stay at group nites after nites after work. now i could just sleep and get my arse up and do that shit work facing those gossip arseholes. you know who you are, shithole.

it seems i've never thanked a person during the gigs.
sam has done it for me so i'd rather not repeat.
but really, meeting my lads is incredible. also him and toki.
toki met me when i sang damien rice at school
this proves i'm always better doing my own stuff - toki then became a part of us after watching us live. whenever you heard someone scream downstage it's toki. :)

still, i feel greater about gigs than the cd. i don't know why.
having a gig akin to live 8 in fringe club feels great.
letting people hear and see is more important than making something people never listen. people who listen downstage mean more to me. becoz they fucking care.
but i tell you what, when i hold the cd in my hand, i keep flipping it over and over, reading the cover and the backcover again and again for an hour.

our effort is solid. a crystal from atoms. we recognise ourselves through the cd.
support us, buy our cds, fake them and share them to the world.
money is spent: i don't care a shit about it anymore. i just want to be heard.
spread my world view to the people. we're all damn lonely on this planet.